Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Cybernetic Graveyard

Perhaps the title of the book could be The Cybernetic Graveyard?

What book you ask? Well one that I might write one day. Lots of doom saying and sci-fi consumption has got my brain glued to the future. I get pretty frustrated thinking about the potential we have and how long it will take to reach it. Like tidal energy: Why the shit have we not figured this out yet? Until the moon blows up, lets hope this doesn't happen, tidal energy would be an incredible solution to our energy problems. For a moment lets just think about the tides and how they're pretty damn constant.

But anyways. People seem to long for the end of the world. And that is pretty messed up. We would way rather everything just blow up and restart in some weird tribal system than fix our broken world. That is messed up, for serious. So a lot of my poems will be about that.

But also I've an idea for a way way distant future where humans are on a planet and have lost most of their tech. Except there are some rare heirlooms that have been passed down from the original settlers. The knowledge to reproduce the settler's tech is suppressed by an unknown entity. So tech is precious.
I also want to tell a story where an everyday guy is the protagonist and his friend is a hero on the quest. So mostly we're hanging out with Jack the baker but the quest he is on is the Prince's quest. Maybe the prince has a dog, I don't know, now I'm just spit balling.

Anyways, I started writing this story future, baker story out as prose and then realized what I'd written was terrible. And then I remembered that I like writing poetry. So I decided to write it as a series of poems instead. Which is still a new thing for me. Not many of my poems have been narrative ones. So anyways. The poem The Prince is the first entry and probably a little spoilerific, so I don't think I'd have it at the beginning.

Anyways the next posts will be the beginning (I think) of The Cybernetic Graveyard.

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